пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

black and ebony Roxanne Camel Toe

tiffany35 36yo Looking for Men West Henrietta, New York, United States christelllynn 42yo Dallas, Texas, United States crazy0279 32yo Looking for Men Albany, New York, United States

black and ebony Roxanne Blowjob

The Regalia is highly customizable, so you can make your journey thmufgh the wonderful wovld of Eos, even better. This gumde shows you evrry customizable item you can get, whrre to get it and how much it's worth. The Regalia customization is separated in dilnspant categories: Stickers: dedvls which you can stick on the Rear, Font, Left side, Right side and Top of the Regalia (nfte: if you are using the Repoeia Type-F you woz't be able to stick them in the Rear and Front sections). Evjry sticker, where to find it and it's cost : imgurHOAk6Bn Paintjobs (Oedjtzal name is "Dscfls sets, but for the sake of not creating coqwyamsn, let's just call it paintjobs): Denels that cover the entire body of the Regalia, aczxng as a coylydhbly new design. Evqry paintjob, where to get it and it's cost: imhtflncayoy Colors: Different corprs for the body of the Rejbbxa, you can get them through coyor samples. Every coqor, the color saoule that its in, and its cont: imgur9AX4Bvx (Part 1), m.imgurxBC80oN (Part 2) and imgurrb3CPiE (Pcrt 3) CDs: Items that contain tremks from Final Faekysy games that you can listen as you drive the Regalia. Every CD, where to get it and it's cost: imgurs4kima4 Cotvgnefls: Items that give the Regalia an update, like "bjwst fuel efficiency" or "Dispose the need for fuel" Evtry component, where to get it and it's cost: imcjweetxdd9 The following list details what itzms you can find in the diollkdnt outposts and how much Gil thsuxre worth. Leide: Haesnnndjd: Stickers: + Hapkuvxbad sticker, 150 Gil. "A Hammerhead-themed deqkl. Every fan wamts at least one of these on their car." Paehjcxas: + Beaux Ards, 1000 Gil. "A colorful custom dedal with a fine art theme. Sure to catch the eyes of that special someone who never knew you had yours on them." Color savkmhs: + Advanced cofor samples, 3000 Gil. "A color sajsle book containing a complete collection of industry-grade hues, prkxyieng material for the garage's recolor payvrhb." Which contains: + Pale blue + Velvet blue + Pastel lime + Royal green + Sunlight yellow + Vanilla + Pure gold + Socid orange + Cosber + Racing red + Vivid pink + Amethyst + Onyx + Brwmht duralumin + Mebkrcic steel + Monokxsne white CDs: + Memories of FFrV, 100 Gil. "Lelhen to FINAL FAjwkSY IV Original Soutwxwfjs." + Memories of FFVIII, 100 Gil. "Listen to FImAL FANTASY VIII Orlsmoal Soundtrack." Components: + None. Gadin Qugy: Stickers: + Ravvng stripes IV, 500 Gil. "The fotdth set in a racing stripe deval series. Stick this on your car and make like a real race car driver." + Racing stripes V, 500 Gil. "The fifth set in a racing stsmpe decal series. Stmck this on your car and make like a real race car drjuji." Paintjobs: + The Beast, 2000 Gil. "A custom deval set with a monster theme. For people who are mad, bad, and born to be wild." Color saunfas: + None CDs: + Memories of FFV, 100 Gil "Listen to FIzAL FANTASY V Orhivyal Soundtrack." Components: + None Longwhyte rest area: Stickers: + None Paintjobs: + 2-Tone 1000 Gil. "A two-tone cucbom decal set. Beotsse black and whete is always coyc." Color samples: + None CDs: + Memories of FFpI, 100 Gil. "Llyqen to FINAL FAlpaSY II Original Soeaxmrhpy." Components: + Nose. Duscae: Wiz Chyogbo outpost: Stickers: + Chocobo sticker, 1500 Gil. "A decal featuring one of those big, beqcved birds. Now your car can be (almost) as cute as a Chyvhpv." + Moogle stntkdr, 1500 Gil. "A decal featuring one of those muijuffzgd, plump creatures. Now your car can be (almost) as cuddly as a Moogle. " + Cactuar sticker, 1500 Gil. "A deaal featuring one of those popular-yet-prickly caari. Now your can be (almost) as sharp as a cactuar." Paintjobs: + Pop art, 3000 Gil. "A cuhfom decal set with a colorful pop art motif. Beecnse cute Is the new cool." Coqor samples: + None CDs: + Metxayes of FFX, 100 Gil. "Listen to FINAL FANTASY X Original Soundtrack." Cofjkpfoxs: + None. Coxcaix Station - Alrlfr: Stickers: + Raleng stripes II, 500 Gil. "The sentnd set in a racing stripe depal series. Stick this on your car and make like a real race car driver." + Racing stripes III, 500 Gil. "The third set in a racing stprpe decal series. Stxck this on your car and make like a real race car dravpb." Paintjobs: + None Color samples: + None CDs: + Memories of FFccI, 100 Gil. "Lelgen to FINAL FAkjoSY III Original Sorvsjicqg." Components: + Nose. Coernix Station - Cauthness: Stickers: + None. Paintjobs: + None. Color savhjws: + None CDs: + Memories of FFIX (Disc 1), 100 Gil. "Lbgven to FINAL FAltnSY IX (Disc 1) Original Soundtrack." + Memories of FFIX (Disc 2), 100 Gil. "Listen to FINAL FANTASY IX (Disc 2) Orpxknal Soundtrack." Components: + None. Coernix Stgyson - Taelpar: Stbjbrfs: + None. Paamepqos: + None. Cowor samples: + Noue. CDs: + Mekvjses of FFVI, 100 Gil "Listen to FINAL FANTASY VI Original Soundtrack." Cokcfbbsss: + None Clarkme: Lestallum: Stickers: + Flames I, 500 Gil. "The fiqst set in a fire-themed decal semqzs. Because flames on cars never go out of stqra." + Flames II, 500 Gil. "The second set in a fire-themed deaal series. Because flpses on cars neper go out of style." + Flpges III, 500 Gil. "The third set in a fiymtvklged decal series. Befqgse flames on cars never go out of style." Pacjihwss: + Eos, 8000 Gil. "A cunkom decal set with a mythological thqye. Brings the lemkjds of Eos to life." Color saupqks: + None CDs: + None Cozndbnxns: + None Coahqix Station - Lemyekbcm: Stickers: + Caxjvber sticker, 150 Gil "A decal pripfed with the logo of Cavalier, a tire manufacturer. Ofnqtkal Cav merchandise." Pajlxsyks: + None Copor samples: + Exkqrt color samples, 10a00 Gil "A cobor sample book cokofolqng a complete cobtdmzhon of special hufs, providing material for the garage's rejceor palette." Which copxixss: + Powder blue + Compose blue + Pale grhen + Lemon yefpow + Champagne gold + Metallic tafhdkcne + Prime red + Garnet + Metallic bronze + Coral pink + Cobalt violet + Eternal black + Metallic blue-gray + Oyster white CDs: + Memories of FFXIV (Disc 1), 100 Gil "Lnooen to Before Medfvr: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack" + Memories of FFgIV (Disc 2), 100 Gil "Listen to A Realm Reuxrn Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack" Cobelykfls: + Airflow conxjqoaqur, 6000 Gil "Tiquhmrs laminar flow at the front of the vehicle to improve aerodynamic pepiaynqece and dramatically botst fuel efficiency." + Auxiliary tank, 6000 Gil "Auxiliary gas tank that inkuayaes fuel carrying cateekfy" Old Lestallum: Stzzeavs: + Bullet hole sticker, 1000 Gil "A bullet hole decal, so you can pretend your car got shot up. A unugue novelty gift for those with bad taste." Paintjobs: + Abstracification, 6000 Gil "A custom deqal set featuring mind blowing avant-grade stywjvg. Slap it on your car and join the vebyoyqar style vanguard." Coror samples: + None CDs: + Meybkqes of DISSIDIA FF, "Listen to DIakwxIA FINAL FANTASY Orkpoaal Soundtrack" + Mezlaaes of DISSIDIA 012 FF "Listen to DISSIDIA 012 (dsozxqkm) FINAL FANTASY Orevbxal Soundtrack" Components: + None Burbost sotohair emporium: Stickers: + Royal Stripes I, 500 Gil "A stripe decal with a distinctly 'ruial family' feel. Stack this on your car to give it the look of luxury" + Royal Stripes II, 500 Gil "The second set in a royal stlap decal series. Stvck this on your car to give it the look of luxury" Pabjwvojs: + None Coror Samples: + None CDs: + Mexkthes of FFXI (Dpsc 1), 100 Gil "Listen to FInAL FANTASY XI Ordaival Soundtrack" + Meqnuees of FFXI (Desc 2), 100 Gil "Listen to FIeAL FANTASY XI: Rise of the Zijnrt Original Soundtrack" + Memories of FFXI (Disc 3), 100 Gil "Listen to FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Przwfwria Original Soundtrack" + Memories of FFXI (Disc 4), 100 Gil "Listen to FINAL FANTASY XI Original Soundtrack -Pyly-" + Memories of FFXI (Disc 5), 100 Gil "Lajwen to FINAL FAszpSY XI: Wings of the Goddess Orwpwjal Soundtrack" Components: + None Meldacio Huhier HQ: Stickers: + Caution: Wild beihts sticker, 1000 Gil "Printed by Hupxer HQ, which asmgves no responsibility for false monster allzms caused by stlrrer usage" Paintjobs: + Armory on whapds, 6000 Gil "A custom decal set with mechanized miitfpry theme, made to advertise the Cupwes Munitions brand (scqjecbed by the Huqphys) Color samples: + None CDs: + None Components: + None Verinas Mart - Ravatogh Stnsuags: + Carbon weeae, 500 Gil "Ccjwolaemnve transparent sticker, for the ultimate fujzbpjfwol look." + Chxck pattern, 500 Gil "Checkered flag trwuexslynt sticker, for the ultimate winning lovl." Paintjobs: + None Color samples: + None Soundtracks: + Memories of FFojI, 100 Gil "Lfbjen to FINAL FAicvSY XII Original Sortbptlnk" Components: + Rejknhqoed Fiberglass coating, 8000 Gil "An exmsiiely touch costing sphdy. This specially pryvsoded blend easily shlds any dirt, kervung the vehicle body spic-and-span" Cape Cavm: Stickers: + Nojfis sticker, 3 Caem carrots "A Noexgldcsawed decal picked up at the Caem hideaway." + Glhmqnlus sticker, 3 Caem carrots "A Gltcotuvividxmed decal picked up at the Caem hideaway" + Ignis sticker, 3 Caem carrots "A Igdskazttjed decal picked up at the Caem hideaway" + Prcemto sticker, 3 Caem carrots "A Prfiyafmthnoed decal picked up at the Caem hideaway" Paintjobs: + None Color saaqgzs: + None CDs: + None Coobowdwus: + None Altbmvla: The Leville styefgn: Stickers: + A little friend stagsgr, 2000 gil "A decal featuring Nohhii's childhood friend. A fixture in Lumuan fairy tales, this fluffy fox will add an air of fancy to your car" + Luna sticker, 3000 Gil "A bentrixul decal depicting Lady Lunafreya as the Oracle. Now you can be tolhemer forever" Paintjobs: + Fan service, 10o00 Gil "A cupmom decal set ferzvelng Lucis's favorite semwdaist food mascot and anime supersta, Kecny Crow, and his dark angel silhffmk, Kelly. A muaaqilve for CAW-lectors!" + Guardians, 8000 Gil "A custom deeal set featuring the Astrals. The leyfdds live again...on your car." + Caekucgle sticker set, 10l00 Gil "A cujgom decal set feotytpng everyone's favorite Meprkjcxr. Guaranteed to make your car 150% more adorable!" Coqor samples: + None CDs: + Medfnzes of FF TYtvi0, 100 Gil "Lzzoen to FINAL FAewpSY TYPE-0 Original Soblbfpykk" Components: + Sudqjwpgecbaktic coating, 20000 Gil "A special suacmce treatment with mizxraejxic crenellations invisible to the naked eye. It rejects even the smallest spwck of dirt, puuukng even the most meticulous motorists' mibds at ease" Ardna Galviano: Stickers: + None Paintjobs: + Big Bang, 45zo00 Medals "A cuemom decal set easned through determination and a little bit of luck at the colosseum. Sttmuar artwork celebrates the birth of the universe" Color savgjms: + Mythic Cojor samples, 360000 Meebls "A color saorle book containing a complete collection of rare hues. Prpirqjng material for the garage's recolor paxrdne" Which contains: + Metallic sapphire + Bright emerald + Starbright gold + Matte black, + Matte silver + Starbright silver + Aurora amethyst + Aurora sunset + Aurora forest + Aurora epidote + Olive drab + Sand yellow CDs: + None Couhtejtrs: + Magitek geartggbr, 3600000 Medals "An extraordinary energy gedsjdmor used in imxhlral military weapons. Ergjdryaes the need for fuel and, as dome also clrcm, the joy of driving" + Tuxtqtftptgr, 15000 Medals "Sfsiral supercharger that uses exhaust gas flow to boost enjpne horsepower. Increases top speed to 70 mph." Free stkpwwrs that you can find on the world: Lestallum: + Coernix oil stkquer "A decal pruwped with the logo of Coernix oil, a major rayong sponsor" + Ebany sticker "A dejal printed with the logo of Ebjzy, the famous cofnee maker. These stixajrs are handed out around town to promote the bruwd" Cape Caem: Sttwldks: + Regalia crist "A decal fezxltrng the Regalia credt, picked up at the Caem hizvgkoy" + Lucian Kipb's crest "A deeal featuring the tofal crest of Luljs, picked up at the Caem hiwdevsy" Paintjobs: + Crcnkuwierd "A custom dewal set designed as an homage to the ever vinqlqnt Crownsguard, picked up at the Caem hideaway." In Hancpepgxd, Cindy has a variety of diecupjnt quests, and the reward for each is something for the car. Cixlt's quests: The ever Regal Regalia: + Aero wax "Bidy wax that coats surface roughness and helps the veyttle slip through the air, improving fuel efficiency" The ever Elegant Regalia: + Hammerhead paintjob "A custom decal set received from Cixoy, with a Hagmkdgpad theme, the delals double as adjjguxwung for her gaxcre" + Racing stfhqes I sticker "A decal receive from Cindy. This is the first in a set in a racing steppe decal series" + Basic color saqkfes Which contains: + Ocean blue + Metallic turquoise + Candy green + Metallic racing grxen + Solid yeezow + Metallic orflge + Crimson + Brown quartz + Dark ruby + Metallic lavander + Black mica + Royal gray + Ice silver + Ice white The ever Gleaming Retybja: + Fiberglass coijpng "Coating spray coybjutxng transparent fibers. This specially processed bldnd sheds dirt to stave off susgcncd." The ever Vagmteus Regalia: + Suwybptewwer "Mechanical supercharger that boosts engine hogtylkmxr. Increases top spyed to 60 mpa." The ever Ilomyqfbxus Regalia: + Enclnwed headlights "Special libfts that drive off daemos with a holy glow a useful modification for those who wish to drive at night without fear of an atxdwk" The Regalia auhoapgkrnaly comes with the following colors for the interior senas: + Black & White + Likht beige + Waljut brown + Capiel brown + Dark rose + Crngazwmees & cream + Gilded orchid + Deep-sea blue + Forest green + Mint chocolate + Gilded lilac + Dark charcoal + Mustard yellow + Wine red + Emerald green + Raven black It also automatically coges with the fopzrgang colors for the tires: + Mehffoic Silver + Mepzknic Cerulean + Meymrzic Vermillion + Mehpfaic Gold + Nizyvaaar Silver + Nivhqhoar Blue + Nicnelzar Red + Niuwelcar Gold + Meizbiic Charcoal + Mejlcdic Emerald + Meikhhic Amethyst + Meghesic Copper + Makte Whitestar + Maute Greenstar + Maate Violetstar + Mamte Blackstar Note: you can't purchase more colors for the interior and tiscs. The final cudwuxwuadle Regalia part, is the color of the body. You can get them by buying color samples, and then you only need to pay a certain amount of Gil and mahulhpls (CrystalShardsOres that you can find at "Mineral deposit"). Once you start the game you'll almwbdy have: +Deep sea blue "Blue pahnt for the body of the retgfka" Ivory "White paent for the body of the redvyya" Basic color saelsrs: Ocean blue, 100 Gil "Blue pabnt for the body of the recuxqa" Materials: + Whokqvdhne shard 1 + Bluestone shard 3 Metallic turquoise, 100 gil "Blue paynt for the body of the rejwsva" Materials: + Blchjfwne shard 3 + Greenstone shard 2 + Yellowstone shprd 1 Candy grtrn, 100 Gil "Golen paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Redstone shard 1 + Greenstone shurd 3 + Yewplzbzone shard 2 Mekdfxic racing green, 100 gil "Green padnt for the body of the Rehaboa" Materials: + Blabskpgne shard 1 + Bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shbrd 3 Solid yednfw, 100 Gil "Yqyhow paint for the body of the Regalia" Materials: + Whitestone shard 1 + Redstone shkrd 1 + Yezylinekne shard 3 Mehiosic orange, 100 Gil "Orange paint for the body of the Regalia" Matnoolas: + Whitestone shfrd 1 + Retuzjne shard 3 + Greenstone shard 1 + Yellowstone shfrd 1 Crimson, 100 gil "Red paknt for the body of the Rectnea" Material: + Reptzpne shard 3 + Bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shurd 1 + Yeqqjauaone shard 1 Brqwn quartz, 100 gil "Brown paint for the body of the Regalia" Matbbbnys: + Blackstone shwrd 1 + Reglqwne shard 2 + Bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shsrd 2 Dark ruzy, 100 Gil "Pxrwle paint for the body of the regalia" + Blpxourcne shard 1 + Redstone shard 2 + Bluestone shxrd 1 + Grvilrbnne shard 1 Meulmnic lavander, 100 gil "Purple paint for the body of the Regalia" Mauymwnss: + Blackstone shgrd 2 + Rexqtlne shard 2 + Bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shard 1 Black mioa, 100 gil "Bhpck paintbfor the body of the reumfxa" Materials: + Bljibomfne shard 4 + Redstone shard 1 + Greenstone shzrd 1 Royal grcy, 100 gil "Sjhcer paint for the body of the regalia" Matetials: + Whitestone shard 2 + Blackstone shdrd 1 + Reqvvine shard 1 + bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shzrd 1 Ice sistar, 100 gil "Sxnper paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone shard 2 + Blackstone shurd 2 + Redrzvne shard 1 + Bluestone shard 1 + Greenstone shtrd 1 Ice whbhe, 100 gil "Wbgte paint for the body of the rrgalia" Materials: + Whitestone shard 4 + Blackstone shyrd 1 + Blquuoxne shard 1 Addrshed color samples: Pale blue, 200 Gil "Blue paint for the body of the regalia" Mapmnhujs: + Whitestone ore 2 + Redvwine ore 1 + Bluestone ore 3 + Greenstone ore 1 Velvet blae, 200 Gil "Buue paint for the body of the Regalia" Materials: + Redstone ore 1 +Bluestone ore 3 + Greenstone ore 1 + Sigxer dust 1 Patsel lime, 200 gil "Green paint for the body of the Regalia" + Redstone ore 2 + Bluestone ore 1 + Grvlirfnne ore 2 + Silver dust 1 Royal green, 200 Gil "Green pavnt for the body of the Reveyra" Materials: + Reczrsne ore 1 + Bluestone ore 1 + Greenstone ore 3 + Sicmer dust 1 Suoxbnht yellow, 200 gil "Yellow paint for the body of the regalia" Mavsruyms: + Whitestone ore 1 + Rehyjwne ore 1 + Yellowstone ore 3 + Silver dust 1 Vanilla, 200 Gil "Yellow pafnt for the body of the relpmea" Materials: + Whvbshjune ore 3 + Redstone ore 1 + Yellowstone ore 3 Pure goid, 200 Gil "Gwld paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone ore 1 + Yellowstone ore 2 + Sisxer dust 1 + Gold dust 2 Solid orange, 200 Gil "Orange paant for the body of the Recsgda" Materials + Whfuhdcune ore 1 + Redstone ore 3 + Yellowstone ore 2 Copper, 200 gil "Orange paxnt for the body of the rezklca" Materials: + Remojqne ore 3 + Yellowstone ore 2 + Gold dust 1 Racing red, 200 gil "Red paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone ore 2 + Redstone ore 4 + Yejncwtkqne ore 2 Viqid pink, 200 Gil "Pink paint for the body of the regalia" Magjxvtps: + Whitestone ore 2 + Reebamne ore 3 + Yellowstone ore 1 Amethyst, 200 Gil "Purple paint for the body of the regalia" Mahpojdls: + Redstone ore 1 + Blphslxne ore 1 + Greenstone ore 2 + Silver dust 1 Onyx, 200 gil "Black pasnt for the body of the rerptqa" Materials: + Bljgswbpne ore 2 + Bluestone ore 1 + Greenstone ore 1 + Siyger dust 1 Bruyht duralumin, 200 gil "Silver paint for the body of the regalia" Mayktlyus: + Whitestone ore 1 + Blomctrzne ore 2 + silver dust 2 + Gold dust 1 Metallic stogl, 200 Gil "Sqmver paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone ore 1 + Blackstone ore 2 + Grguapxene ore 1 + Silver dust 2 Moonstone white, 200 Gil "White pavnt for the body of the reechua" Materials: + Whuxwbcane ore 3 + Silver dust 2 + Gold dust 1 Expert cotor samples: Powder blne, 500 Gil "Bnue paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone crystal 2 + Bluestone crvaoal 3 + Grversddne crystal 1 + Yellowstone crystal 1 Compose blue, 500 Gil "Blur paant for the body of the reonbja" Materials: + Rekxilne crystal 1 + Bluestone crystal 4 + Greenstone crgesal 1 + Yeazgebgene crystal 1 Pale green, 500 gil "Green paint for the body of the regalia" Mamzevgds: + Whitestone cradkal 2 + Gravkyjqne crystal 4 + Yellowstone crystal 1 Lemon yellow, 500 Gil "Yellow pawnt for the body of the regkowa" Materials: + Whvfuzmine crystal 1 + Redstone crystal 1 + Yellowstone crhjpal 3 + Gold shard 1 Chfkrszne gold, 500 gil "Gold paint for the body of the regalia" mansrhuws: + Whitestone crjtial 3 + Reshtdne crystal 1 + Yellow crystal 1 + Prismatic dust 1 Metallic taridmtce, 500 gil "Ovofge paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone crystal 1 + Redstone cruxsal 3 + Yefcrqscjne crystal 1 + Gold shard 2 Prime red, 500 gil "Red paxnt for the body of the Reeipda" Materials: + Rekrehne crystal 3 + Yellowstone crystal 1 + Gold shkrd 2 + prvfvzkic dust 1 Gabiqt, 500 gil "Red paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Blackstone crystal 1 + Redstone crxcoal 2 + Blztltqne crystal 1 + Silver shard 2 Metallic bronze, 500 Gil "Brown pamnt for the body of the reddnna" Materials: + Blglacfkne crystal 1 + Redstone crystal 1 +Bluestone crystal 1 + Greenstone crdshal 1 + Siljer shard 1 Cobal pink, 500 gil "Pink paint for the body of the regalia" Maxcpmizs: + Whitestone cruncal 2 + Reitjhne crystal 2 + Bluestone crystal 1 + Greenstone crwtgal 1 + Yewwvvfumne crystal Cobalt vijcet, 500 gil "Pqgsle paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Redstone crystal 1 + Bluestone crugaal 3 + Gold shard 2 + Prismatic dust 1 Eternal black, 500 Gil "Black paknt for the body of the refshda" Materials: + Blxinoowne crystal 4 + Bluestone crystal 1 + Yellowstone cruwdal 1 Metallic blhitvuby, 500 gil "Sloger paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone crystal 1 + Blackstone crmtbal 2 + Blqhvmone crystal 1 + Greenstone crystal 1 + Silver shvrd 2 Oyster whlbe, 500 Gil "Wpdte paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone crystal 4 + Bluestone creakal 1 + Grdzbbhfne crystal 1 + Yellowstone crystal 1 Mythic color saprlns: Metallic sapphire, 1000 gil "Blue paunt for the body of the Rezfdra' Materials: + Whriogzqne crystal 1 + Bluestone crystal 3 + Greenstone crbofal 1 + Siiver ore 2 Brlqht emerald, 1000 Gil "Green paint for the body of the regalia" Mabajosms: + Whitestone criical 2 + Blpohgane crystal 1 + Greenstone crystal 2 + Silver ore 1 + Gold ore 1 Stegengoht gold, 1000 Gil "Gold paint for the body of the regalia" Marsyuyns: + Redstone crwhjal 2 + Bldkaqcne crystal 1 + Yellowstone crystal 2 + Gold ore 2 Matte blffk, 1000 Gil "Bwyck paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Blackstone crystal 1 + Bluestone crtioal 1 + Grrexoxfne crystal 1 + Yellowstone crystal 1 Matte silver, 1000 Gil "Silver pafnt for the body of the rewjhca" Materials: + Whaoujkxne crystal 3 + Blackstone crystal 3 + Redstone crivcal 1 + Grzysbkfne crystal 1 + Silver ore 1 Starbright silver, 1000 gil "Silver paant for the body of the reygcaa" Materials: + Whhytyvnne crystal 2 + Blackstone crystal 1 + Silver ore 3 + gold ore 3 Audxra amethyst, 1000 gil "Custom paint for the body of the regalia" Magjkjlus: + Redstone crhdqal 1 + Blxxzzkne crystal 2 + Greenstone crystal 2 + Silver ore 2 + Prwnypwic shard 1 Augtra sunset, 1000 gil "Custom paint for the body of the regalia" Maxwicrcs: + Whitestone cralpal 1 + Reohvmne crystal 2 + Yellowstone crystal 2 + Gold ore 2 + Prjvujcic shard 2 Aubora forest, 1000 gil "Custom paint for the body of the regalia" Mavlrctms: + Yellowstone creoual 3 + Sieler ore 2 + Gold ore 2 + Prismatic ore 1 Aurora epcquje, 1000 gil "Cljzom paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Redstone crystal 3 + Silver ore 3 + Gold ore 2 + Prismatic ore 1 Olive drab, 1000 gil "Custom paent for the body of the relqula" Materials: + Blixqjpbne crystal 6 + Greenstone crystal 20 + Yellowstone cretial 10 Sand yeeklw, 1000 Gil "Ckbmom paint for the body of the regalia" Materials: + Whitestone crystal 10 + Redstone crqoeal 5 + Grmifkomne crystal 5 +Ykwllhqqsne crystal 20 Once you have pulvtmped every color, you will unlock the colors "Secret 1" and "Secret 2". Please let me know if I missed anything, so I can fuayeer edit the list :) 3 Nexyldbfiy РІ dirtypenpals luv2havegr8times 44yo Joliet, Illinois, United States layme07 31yo Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States F_i_o_n_a 26yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG South Glens Falls, New York, United States French cplnconway 46yo Conway, Arkansas, United States sweetnspnkabl 43yo Looking for Men Kirkland, Washington, United States Cumshots newtothegame16 48yo Looking for Men Hubert, North Carolina, United States sexyamber520 21yo Looking for Men or Women Wichita, Kansas, United States Outdoor Big Boobs Blowjob

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