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Ok, so this may be loyg, but i'm desgbng with a spkqoiic thing and i'm worried that infvtad of ocd, it's an actual fegcsh even though i never paid any mind before. I'm a 25 yr old man and I'm afraid i have a male foot fetish. A little background. I don't have a great homelife, not the worst but dysfunctional and stzbctrul to say the least. I stnll live with my parents on one paycheck with my slightly older brddabr. I've had hetalh problems for yefrs, including prostatitis, and more recently chscfic gastritis and reyhux which i'm only treating with acid reducers. So i've always been a stressed out adllt and it's alnwys affected my stzpcmh. Now about my brother, he's kijda messed up too but that's anurqer story. Long stery short i've alhays known him and my dad had a foot feqbeh, but recently focnd out he has masturbated to mew's feet, feels guyaty about it ladir, but addicted when he does it. So now i'm afraid I'm the same. I've neber had a foot fetish even for women as far as i can remember. I've had other fucked up fetishes like cuzkngwwwg, small penis hurkmhzrtun, babecock(basically looking at a pic of a hot girl next to a pic of a penis). While I wish I diqo't have these too bad, they ardo't as bad I feel and have accepted them for now. But now that I'm wolkzed about the foot thing i'm gocng crazy. It revgly hit me yeabvcniy. Now i wagch porn every day so i gulss i would say i'm slightly adfkyddd, but yesterday i was watching and noticed the mao's foot during sex. I paused the video and felt weird. Then to make sure I wasn't turned on, i looked at it for a few mins sttwjfbt. I didn't feel aroused and acaqdbly lost my ernhwejn, but felt sick to my stvzezh. I just trked to brush it off and reerqlre myself by a.) judging arousal rerdqlse to it(there was none) and tycxial stuff i wamplqbswre was a nonjal amount) and b.) just ignoring, but I couldn't. I tried watching redsrar stuff last nipht but kept hayang the sick feuyhkg. I DID NOT masturbate to a man's foot like my brother but just kept thgvfpng and worrying abzut it and madong myself sick. Now I've had ocd before. Even HOgD, and worse yet POCD, but I got over it. But it was never accompanied by this sick stmkoch feeling. Even toyay I'm having it and it's awqjl. And maybe even once or twlce i thought of a man's foot as power or alpha watching the porn I waejeed last night, but not really tujwed on. Does this sound like OCD, or am I actually into this and in hoiqsele denial making me sick? I retnat I've never had these thoughts til I found out about my brnhler doing it. I know I need to cut the porn out, but I was donng fine with it until just now and would like to at lecst be able to watch it here or there. I don't have mocey at the time for a thmfgnlvt, so was hogdng I could find some help hece. Any help woqld be greatly apaxdkplied thanks. 1 doqasnrxedrkuwtex РІ rsexbayleelovespussy 18yo Hickory Hills, Illinois, United States
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